Table of Contents

Florida Value-Added Model (VAM)

Understanding the Report

  • The percentages are based on schools and districts in the state that have VAM data.
  • The bar charts display the percentages of teachers in each of the VAM ratings.

Understanding the Sections of the Report

Statewide Distribution of Overall VAM Ratings for Teachers

This bar chart appears on the Home page. It shows the distribution of VAM ratings for teachers in schools and districts across Florida that have VAM data.

Distribution of Overall VAM Ratings for Teachers

Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM) Ratings: VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, among the students they taught by statistically controlling for other factors that impact student learning growth. Select State, District, or School to view the different distributions.

Ratio of Classroom Expenditures to Total Expenditures

The stacked bar chart compares the ratio of classroom expenditures and other expenditures to the total expenditures for the school, district, or state. Select state, district, or school to view the different ratios.

VAM vs. Financial Efficiency

The chart plots districts and schools based on the Percentile Rank of Highly Effective and Effective VAM Teachers and the Percentile Rank of Classroom to Total Expenditures.

  • Put the pointer over districts and schools in the chart to see information about those districts and schools.
  • Click a district or school to see this report for that district or school.
Options on District Reports
  • My District refers to the currently selected district.
  • Select All Districts in the State to compare the selected district with the state.
  • When you select All Districts in the State, you can select options in the Compare by: menu to filter the plot by different options.
  • You can add specific districts or schools to the plot. Click Add a district or school multiple times to add multiple districts and schools.
Options on School Reports
  • My School refers to the currently selected school.
  • Select all schools in a district to compare the selected school with its district.
  • When you select all schools in a district, you can select options in the Compare by: menu to filter the plot by different options.
  • Select Similar Schools in the State to add schools that, compared with the selected school, are the same in terms of Title 1, Charter, Free/Reduced Price Lunch, Grades Served, and School Size.
  • You can add specific districts or schools to the plot. Click Add a district or school multiple times to add multiple districts and schools.

Understanding VAM Ratings

Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM) Ratings: VAM scores represent the amount the teacher contributed to student learning growth, on average, among the students they taught by statistically controlling for other factors that impact student learning growth. Only instructors in ELA grades 4-10, mathematics grades 4-8, and Algebra I grades 8-9 receive a VAM score using the state models.

Highly Effective

There is significant evidence that the teacher's impact on student learning has been greater than expected after controlling for factors that impact student growth.


There is evidence that the teacher's impact on student learning meets expectations after controlling for factors that impact student growth.

Needs Improvement

There is moderate evidence that the teacher's impact on student learning has been less than expected after controlling for factors that impact student growth.


There is significant evidence that the teacher's impact on student learning has been less than expected after controlling for factors that impact student growth.